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Generate Unique UPI QR Code for all your Branches

Generate unique printable QR codes for each branch or franchisee, collect UPI payments via any UPI app and match all payments with your business entity.

Discover Your Ideal QR Code Solution!

Unleash the Power of Custom QR Codes for Your Business! Whether you’re a trendy cafe, bustling retail store, chic salon, or event organizer, we’ve got the perfect QR solution for you.

Unlocking the Power of UPI QR Codes: Who Can Benefit?

Businesses with multiple branches or departments can create unique UPI QR codes for each unit to collect payments and track them to the correct location. This is useful for multi-chain businesses like restaurants, travel agencies, jewelry showrooms, theaters, retail stores, and pharmacies, as well as multi-department institutions like hospitals, schools, universities, and auto service centers.

Ready to Scale Your Business with Our QR Solution?

Maximize Your Potential: Harness the Power of APIs!

  • Create countless unique UPI QR Codes within seconds.
  • Receive instant webhook notifications upon successful payments.
  • Utilize API calls to generate custom reports for each UPI VPA (branch/department/franchisee).

Seize Control: A Centralized Dashboard for Maximized Impact!

  • Transaction Insight: View UPI ID, ID, date, amount, and payment status.
  • Sales Monitoring: Track with graphs and downloadable reports.
  • Instant Payment Tracking.
  • Effortless Payouts: Define split percentages for smooth branch/franchisee payouts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a UPI QR Code?

A UPI QR Code is a scannable code that securely stores a merchant’s UPI details. Customers can use any UPI app to scan the QR code and make a payment. This is a fast, convenient, and contactless way to pay, and it is supported by both person-to-person and person-to-business transactions.

How do I create a UPI QR Code?

1. Sign up on Cashfree Payments. This is a UPI payment processor that allows you to generate UPI QR codes for your business.

2. Upload the necessary documents to activate your Auto Collect account. This will allow you to receive payments directly into your bank account.

3. Generate multiple UPI VPAs using the Dashboard or API. A VPA is a virtual payment address that is linked to your bank account. You can generate multiple VPAs for different branches or departments of your business.

4. Generate multiple QR codes using the APIs. Once you have generated your VPAs, you can use the Cashfree Payments APIs to generate QR codes for each VPA.

5. Download the UPI QR code from the Dashboard, print it, and use it to collect payments. You can print the QR code and display it at your business premises, or you can share it electronically with your customers.

What is the difference between static and dynamic QR Codes?

Static UPI QR codes

  • Open QR codes that can accept any amount of payment
  • Persistent, meaning they can be scanned multiple times and still work
  • Customers need to enter the amount at the time of payment
  • Cashfree Payments UPI QR codes are static printable QR codes

Dynamic UPI QR codes

  • Linked to a fixed amount and used at a transactional level
  • Customers can only pay the fixed amount assigned to the QR code
  • A unique dynamic QR code is generated for each transaction with a pre-defined payment amount, time of expiry, and transaction ID
Is there any additional integration required to activate UPI QR for my business?

Existing UPI AutoCollect merchants can start using UPI QR codes immediately via Cashfree’s Merchant Dashboard, without any additional integration required.

New merchants can create an account on Cashfree Payments to start using UPI QR codes and digitize payments for their business.